D i g i t a l     C o m p o s i t i o n

The following digital shot was literally completed in an afternoon, when the production designer Aaron Osborne wondered aloud what it would take to 'produce' a sketch of a rooftop just beyond the loft interior I was working on, by days end. It was my idea to actually 'compose' the shot in the computer (with the help of a 'digitally painted-over' scale model) to help sell this new bit of construction.

The first thing was to take a digital shot of the existing set, under construction.
The next step was to draft-up roughly what we had in mind for an architectural back-drop. From there I whipped out a model that could be photographed digitally and imported directly into my laptop for 'painting-over'.
Once I had figured out the proper perspective points to compliment my previous photograph of the exisiting set, I quickly went to work 'painting-over' the model with a combination of stock colors, architecture, and graffitti to lend a more 'life-like' feeling to the final composit image.
Once I had the background filled-out, I moved back to the interior shot and finished adding the rest of the windows, making sure to give them a little aging that we would add to the actual windows later. Care was also taken to match some of the interior colors Aaron had in mind. This is as far as I was able to take this particular rendering under the circumstances (with the first print-out literally being 'ripped' out of the printer for the ensuing meeting), but I could have continued with the addition of props, dressing, and lighting effects to help tie everything together....